Life is too short to spend diagnosing the diseases. But there are certain diseases like diabetes that cannot be ignored at any cost. Minor physical problems that do not affect your lifestyle can be easily sidelined, but when these problems totally change your whole life, then what will you do. And to combat with such physical disorders, what you need is total and right awareness about them.

Here, we are going to discuss- what is diabetes after all. Diabetes is a disease in which your body stops producing insulin which is highly necessary for your health. Insulin is a hormone that converts the sugar, starch and other food into energy that you need to live in your daily routine. Though the real cause behind diabetes is still a mystery, yet both genetics and environmental factors are held responsible for its occurrence. And these factors are obesity and lack of exercise.

In United States alone, 7% of the total population is said to have diabetes, which is really alarming. Its highly unfortunate that still millions of Americans do not even know that they have diabetes. And this is very threatening thing for the future of the country.